Call - Text - Message - Email us for questions and inquires!

Visit Our Maine Coons!

Our Maine Coons (and rescue cats) enjoy the Purrfect life here at our store! They all receive daily socialization and affection from not only us, but our guests as well! Oftentimes we have people who simply visit with our cats and enjoy their company. Our cats are family to us, and the quality of their life, environment, care, and diet are top priority!

New Products Every Month

Natural Carnivore is still a young and growing store. Every 2-3 weeks, we replenish our stock along with introducing new products and brands to our already diverse inventory. Slowly yet steadily, we'll soon be fully stocked with a non-overwhelming diversity of Foods, Treats, and Supplies! Please be patient with us as we continue to grow.


    651 N. UNION STREET, STE 7
    MAUSTON, WI 53948


    (920) 253-7686 (Tina)
    (608) 581-0028 (Nathan)



    Tuesday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm
    Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm
    Sunday & Monday Closed